A Biblical account of God giving His people encouragement and help during those times when bad things are happening. A…
I will venture a guess and say most people understand the Christmas adage, “The reason for the season.” I appreciate…
When a person looses a close friend there is a tendency for one’s mind to reflect upon the common interests…
(To apologists: This Post highlights inherent inconsistencies within post-modernism.) It’s a good idea to try and think a little bit…
The social sicknesses and societal ills continue its downward spiral. As evidence, the blog post “What is Truth,” addressed the transgressions of…
Preface: Some of you may have read parts of this message before. However, it is even more critical today that…
Now is a good time to introduce the reasons behind choosing the name netcastblog.ambassadorships.net for this site. The obvious reason…
“The Universe proclaims the glory of the Creator.” As those words, written above, were put to paper they looked like…
This installment of how “The Universe Speaks” one identifies the absolute reliance man has on language and reason. One must…
Man’s ability to use reason supports the argument that there never was a Big Bang. In this orderly world there…