Now is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with these three terms revive awaken and restore which have come to…
(NASB) John 17:17 “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.” Some still adhere to the Judeo- Christian belief…
This article is embarking on a different tact. It still is related to apologetics, but the emphasis draws a harder…
The scientific method is all well and good until the discussion moves from looking into what is to then trying…
Good tidings is the wording that is used in Luke 2: 10 of the King James Version of the Bible.…
Time is an interesting subject. It is exact in some ways, and yet obscure in others. The first point of…
It appears that turmoil rules the world stage. It also appears that the truly evil misdirect the eyes of the…
The above title was a familiar phrase when my daughters were young and I was driving our family to a…
In 1956, the leader of the communist Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot.…
This title sounds somewhat like a newspaper publication doesn’t it? Or maybe the title of an article found within it?…