The scientific method is all well and good until the discussion moves from looking into what is to then trying to decipher what ought to be. Even written history has some tension with this issue because it is often written from the point of view of the victors. Additionally, science has even intruded on the historical nature of history. Science needs to concentrate on the ramifications of the real realm of science. The real realm of science performs testing and falsifiability through observation. By the way, this is what medical doctors do, and it is formally known as induction.

One should understand here that the Bible is historical but it also is the author of Truth. The Holy Scriptures aren’t limited to the earthly notions and deliberations the way the rest of us are. (The writers of the scriptures have been inspired by God to write what God wanted to be recorded for mankind’s benefit.) Therefore, the Bible doesn’t have conflicts the way science does. The conflicts within the sciences are because of the different interpretations that arise regarding competing ideas. An obvious example of this dichotomy is creation verses evolution. Science makes claims an expertise for determining the validity of one over the other, while ignoring evidence that doesn’t fit their preconceived ideals.

Right and wrong, good and bad, pain and evil are like different branches from the same tree trunk of knowledge. One assertion here needs to be acknowledged and that is pain and evil are not the same. Another little linguistic twist often used is by incorrectly combing the words good and evil.

Richard Dawkins has said the world is just as we would expect it to be, with some people being lucky and some unlucky. Regardless of outcomes he thinks there is no real justice. It’s a world with no design or no purpose, no evil, and no good, just pure indifference; a world where there’s DNA and it just is.

If there is no good or evil and the world just is; you can’t incorporate the ideas of good, bad, and evil into any discussions about the world, or people, or anything else. Conceptually, it’s a meaningless discussion. It is often said that, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. But if there is no good, bad or evil and there just is, statements about those things contain no meaning.

If a person disagrees with this assessment and says we can address the world in terms of good, bad and evil, then those same people will have to bow to the problems inherent in the human condition. How does mankind determine who gets to be arbiter of choosing the correct opinion, because everyone has them. One person’s opinion, when it becomes a majority opinion is still just an opinion. Science says it’s derived from a complex combination of chemicals and elements. The same holds true for right and wrong in this situation. The phrase ‘might makes right’ is unquantifiable regardless of how science tries to parse it.

One needs only to bring up the Holocaust of WWII to see the folly of situational ethics and the greatest good for the most people arguments. Was Germany’s Third Reich, right? Unequivocally no; people with any sense of morality calls Auschwitz evil. Yet some today are still equivocating. Smug Atheists with their smug moral relativity say the Jews need to stop killing the terroristic Hamas organization because it’s genocide. It doesn’t matter that Hamas started a war they can’t finish. It doesn’t matter that those smug elitists who deny God’s existence try to take the high moral ground and cannot see that there is no moral ground for them to stand on. When God is removed from the equation there is only what is and let the chips fall where they lay.

John Lennox, a mathematician at Oxford University was asked “How can there be a god when the world (and or my world) is such a mess?” A much shorter answer than the one he provided will suffice, but his answer was wonderful. If there isn’t a God, then any one person’s idea of right and wrong is no better than any other person’s idea of it. Why do those people have any right to make claims about the world being a mess when everything just is? Only God, who exists outside of the limitations of being in the world, can direct people with the Truth. Only God can tell them and show them what is right and wrong, which is exactly what He has done.

Mankind sometimes does wrong and even evil things. The world, as a part of nature, does things which are sometimes painful and deadly also. But God, who is aware of all of this has taught mankind that he should love and care for one another. Not only that but he has shown us how to do this through His Son as the perfect example. But God didn’t stop there, in (NASB) 1 John 4:10 it says, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son tobe the propitiation for our sins.” In so doing, all of mankind’s unrighteousness has been washed away any we only need to believe that God sent Jesus into this world for this purpose; to inherit eternal life. (One should begin learning how to live in a way compatible to Jesus Christ’s example.)

So in today’s world, where does one find an evil that mankind finds hard to forgive? One need only to look at any terrorist group that wantonly slaughters people who were themselves innocent of any ill intent; now that is evil. To those who claim that the terrorists are justified, they are either blind or evil themselves. A call to worship the one true God is the only viable option.

So, let’s leave on the “Good News,” about Jesus Christ, and it comes from II Corinthians 5: 15-20. “And He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.16 Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” 

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