“The Universe proclaims the glory of the Creator.”
As those words, written above, were put to paper they looked like a quote from some famous author, preacher or hymnist. While that person is unknown, the message conveyed is glorious and true. There is a conflict of world views today and only one can be right, correct, and true. For now let’s forget about the post-modernists, and their flexible, not-take-any-hard-line positions, okay?
One day, in his classroom, a Homiletics instructor told his students, “You need to tell them what you are going to tell them. Then you need to tell them. Finally, you need to tell them what you told them.” Well, in this instance, the final telling is going to be presented in the reverse order of the first telling.
Current observations can see how the brain works but not why. The use of “observation” as the primary criteria for explaining our world has many limitations. In “The Universe Speaks” one can begin to understand just how limiting a world view containing the criterion of allowing strict observations alone can be.
In Part 4: There is an examination into the roots and source of the how, the where, and the why nonverbal communication began. This quick journey into the past establishes a pattern of man’s ability to step beyond his environment and come up with innovative ways to help his self and his fellow travelers understand and cope with their world. Ultimately, it is only by a gift from a Creator that mankind has been able to transcend his environment and make significant alterations to a world with a strict natural order. Things like gravity should come to mind here.
After reading Part 4, my wife Tammy Nelson made a succinct statement regarding this new material. She wrote, “I agree. Reason cannot come from non-reason. And reason is needed for writing to occur.” Her comment is a great segue. It leads the conversation directly towards Part 3 of “The Universe Speaks.”
In Part 3: The point of this segment was to establish how reason and logic must have an equal footing in importance to the other ‘Laws’. The Laws of Logic are no less important than the Laws of Nature or the Laws of Physics. Without the first, the Laws of Logic, there would be no Laws of Physics or Nature to have a discussion about.Humanism as a world view would not exist. There would be no postulates to disprove in the realm of scientific study and observation. The atheists would find themselves without a platform from which they could try to deny the existence of God. However, these same groups are indeed involved in their various exercises, which means a Creator has provided man with the capacity and capability to reason and communicate about the agendas they pursue.
Parts 1 and 2: Part 1 is basically a detailed introduction into the validity or not of natural physicist’s claims about a “Big Bang.” From within that line of questioning, the postulate that there never was a “Big Bang” is derived. Postulates need to be examined to determine whether or not they are factual and true.
So in Part 2 of “The Universe Speaks” a careful analysis is completed to determine the truth of the claim that there was no “Big Bang.” By looking carefully into two not entirely distinct concepts, and their corresponding terms, one discovers just how impossible a “Big Bang” is.
The two words used to scrutinize those humanistic, naturalistic world view claims are Abiosis and Sterile. A discerning mind soon realizes that it is impossible for life to have occurred in the aftermath and subsequent environment of any “Big Bang.” A discerning mind agrees that reason, along with any form of non-verbal communication, would not have occurred without help from an outside source.
Mankind’s ability to transcend and critically observe the world he lives in; as well as having that observable world to live in, in the first place, are all the work of a Creator. It could not have occurred by pure chance. This world is an orderly world that screams out loud and clear about its Creator – the God over all the universe and His Son, Jesus Christ.
G. Bradley Nelson
It works quite well for me
Thank you for the excellent post
I’m glad you liked it and I hope it can be useful for you.
This is actually helpful, thanks.
It is good to know that “The Universe Speaks” is appreciated.
It works very well for me
This is a good thing.
Thank you for the great post
I am glad that you liked it.
This is really useful, thanks.
I am certainly hopeful that you can put “THE UNIVERSE SPEAKS”to good use.
Thanks to the excellent guide
I appreciate that you have seen how the article was built.
Thanks for the wonderful post
I am glad that you liked it.
Thank you for the excellent article
I am very pleased that you have appreciated it.
It works quite well for me
It works quite well for me
I spent a great deal of time to find something like
Thanks, I hope it’s information you can use and share with others.