Now is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with these three terms revive awaken and restore which have come to…
Believers in Jesus Christ get to do something in the here and now that non-Christians don’t know or even have…
There is one word that adequately describes Genesis 1: 1 of the Bible. That word is PROFOUND. It immediately divides…
“Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the…
Time is an interesting subject. It is exact in some ways, and yet obscure in others. The first point of…
It appears that turmoil rules the world stage. It also appears that the truly evil misdirect the eyes of the…
The above title was a familiar phrase when my daughters were young and I was driving our family to a…
To the best of my knowledge no one has ever thought about using The Lord’s Prayer as a tool for…
Okay, so everyone knows this title lacks a bit in originality. Yes, it’s a song and album title by Tracy…
Even better: How in the world does one go about unwrapping one’s self from “THE NOW.” The Now goes a…