Believers in Jesus Christ get to do something in the here and now that non-Christians don’t know or even have a clue about. When one thinks about it just a bit; the realization comes to Christians that we are intimately involved in writing a part of God’s story. He is interacting in the world and we represent Him and do the work He wants us to do. First and foremost that job is to present the Gospel, the Good News of redemption that is available through accepting the forgiveness offered by Jesus; to embrace His sacrificial death on the cross and the proof of a new life as provided by His resurrection on the third day.  

Using the theme from the movie “THE MATRIX” can be helpful here. There is an ultimate choice the main character needs to make.  The choice is between taking a red pill or a blue pill. The red pill represents the truth and ultimate reality. The blue pill will allow a person to regress, blissfully going back to a world of total ignorance and a world you ‘think’ you know. 

There is a word that came from the Jews; the Yiddish word is chutzpah. It has taken on additional meanings through the generations, but the original word in Hebrew, ḥuṣpāh, means insolence. This idea included one looking straight into your face and lying. An even greater affront to this shameless lying is the idea of an arrogant insolence. A prevalent attitude of I’m better and I’m smarter than you. It gets to the point where those self-blinded people think nothing you can say or do is meaningful because in comparison to them you are a ‘nobody.’

So this is what the choice, in its simplest form boils down to. Either one chooses to become a part of God’s plan for saving a sinning humanity or you can go your own way. (But ask yourself this, have you ever let yourself down? Just to let you know, God won’t.)

God has provided the way. Just like in the movie “The Matrix” it comes down to having to take action, having to make that choice. God has made us aware of this need for action in Matthew 7: 7 we read, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Similarly, in Revelation 3:20 God says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” 

The point of Apologetics is to get people to the point where they are aware enough of their surroundings to look and see that there is a choice that needs to be made and that this significant choice has eternal ramifications.

When you seek, when the door is opened and when you find, you realize the one truly important fact of life is the relationships you have. Amazingly, the God and Creator of this universe wants to have a relationship with you. That’s priority one. Next, are the relationships you have with your family. Then we find that our relationships with others take on more meaning.

Love is thus

What’s the meaning all about? I’m glad you asked. The answer is Love. As stated in I John 4: 19, “We love because God first loved us.” Yes, God is love, but love is not god. Having found love you can begin to do what is asked of you in Matthew 22: 39, “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Then we find confirmation of this kind of love in Philippians 2: 3, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” Ultimately, Jesus proclaimed in John 14: 6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Jesus Christ came to this world and He became our example. Wisdom is in knowing you don’t have it all figured out, but that somebody does. Namely my God and Savior, Jesus Christ. That is truly “What it’s all about.”

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