This article is embarking on a different tact. It still is related to apologetics, but the emphasis draws a harder line for both the believer and the non-believers. The time is short, the time is now.

Enough Time

I remember back in 1972 hearing something about abortion on demand, I remember thinking how wrong that was and how our government would get a chance to right this ship through legislation. How wrong thinking was that?

In the mid to late 1990’s I remember thinking about how our country had reached a tipping point. Any ‘Captain Obvious’ could see there was no turning back from the progressive’s steady progression that would lead our country farther away from what God had intended our nation to be.

Y2K was a big non-event. It did stir things up and was a slight net-positive in opening some people’s eyes. A few saw the downward spiral towards self-destruction this world was headed towards. But that hell bound train just kept heading down those tracks. That train has had the brakes applied by Godly influences for short amounts of times with some incremental success, but each of these were short lived.

Today, it seems there has become a ‘depravity of the month’ club. It’s gotten so bad it’s hard to fathom the current levels of evil; of finding new ways for mankind to do insidious things to their fellow man. A sane person shouldn’t have been blindsided by this. But the incremental changes left many believers only scratching their collective heads, wondering if it was time to address these new problems.

Actually some of those problems have been with us for a long time. To a person with a belief in God those changes appeared inconceivable. A prime example of this has occurred in Minnesota and twelve other states thus far. The new evil, allowing living babies that didn’t die during an abortion procedure to be left to die on a cold hard table without comfort or attempts to save them. Regretfully, this is just an expansion of the original abortion practices. Nope, believers shouldn’t have been blindsided. There are people who claim they are believers that have consistently voted for pro-abortion candidates, claiming it was a vote for the average man or the less fortunate, not to mention those government handouts. Has this latest de-evolution of the murderous, abortion industry opened any eyes? Can anyone legitimately claim they were blindsided?

It is time to call a spade a spade. It is time for plain speaking and being direct. It is time to identify the driving, behind the scenes, force that is instrumental in this crash and burn scenario. In case someone hasn’t identified who the actual players are in this devious plot, and they claim to be the majority. They are the elected members and officials of our government. Their lust for power will cause them to do anything to maintain it. The bureaucrats have been empowered to do evil and justice has been stolen incrementally. The two party system is in shambles. The only holdouts against this perversion, are found in small pockets of decenters that speak out against the establishment bureaucrats known as the deep state. The main stream media is another player in this axis of evil. Not as recognized but just as influential are the major universities that spew forth anti-religious and anti-God fervor. Another point to make about all of this is that it is a worldwide phenomenon. Indeed, one would think there was New World Order.


A dead giveaway to the identification of these corrupted evil people and organizations are that they believe themselves to be the saviors of the world. An element necessary to replacing God with themselves is a rejection of objective truth; one can include the capitol ‘T’ Truth here. If one can make it up as they go and have their followers in lock step, they can do and say anything to those who disagree with them.

In upcoming articles I will be addressing the pertinent positions that are creating new forms of persecution here in our country. Topping this list is abortions. From there we will move on to DEI, the new racism, transgenderism, and the woke culture in general.

When one thinks about Christian persecution one normally thinks about that happening only in communist or Muslim countries. Well, one can put that notion to bed. A Christian bakery owner in Colorado that had been fighting a legal battle for 12 years finally ended. A same sex couple wanted to get married and wanted a wedding cake. They knew they could make a stink about being refused service. So, rather than go to a bakery more comfortable with serving gays, they preferred to go after the Christians and unleash the full weight of the lawyer class and the deep state to attack them.

So much more needs to be presented and it will be in future articles. Currently, believers need to understand that what we can and should be doing is the same as what we should have doing more vigorously all along. Every Christian, at a minimum, needs to be about God’s business of reaching into a fallen world and helping the lost to see their need for a Savior, who is found in the person of Jesus Christ. Simply, we each need become true Ambassadors and adhere to (NASB) II Corinthians 5: 18-20, “18Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”            

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